
Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

miniature of the former wood

Like a magician who can shrink the size of the object becomes small. Mohamad Iswahyudi can also make cars, bicycles, even ships and airplanes, to be very small. Once imutnya, to be used as decoration in the house. By utilizing wood waste, he made a miniature of transportation.
We met at the house that once her job in South Tambun Village Blooms Faithful, Iswahyudi seen was busy menepekuri miniature sailing ship. Inside the house, dozens of miniature vehicles ranging from bicycles wind, motorcycles, cars various brands, steamer, airplanes, even trains, arranged neatly in the closet. According to the underweight men and bekulit this jet, miniature vehicles have been ordered by the people. "It dipanjar together people from Jakarta, live taken alone" he said.
Iswahyudi admitted that he had learned to make crafts since six years ago. But it was only seriously undertaken three years ago. Though he had dreams of becoming a musician. He recalled that since high school has a hobby playing music, even to have bands that frequently perform at various festivals. But apparently, fate has not sided with him. Dreams to enter the kitchen and recording a famous artist did not come. Music was not able to support life for young children from a mediocre income families.
Initially, he was on a whim. Incidentally her father was a craftsman-jamb frame house at number Kranji, Bekasi Barat. In her spare time, he makes toys using waste wood pieces. According to him, the work she tekuni today is the choice closest to the soul of his art. According to him, making a miniature work of high artistic value. Therefore, it takes patience, precision and caution for the results obtained satisfactory results. Because the materials he used a broken vulnerable.
"It was just for filling free time. Create a miniature vehicle for gifts or gift temen. But it turned out a lot of orders, "he said.
Seeing the number of orders coming in, he then began to pursue his business. Previously, in consultation with his family most of whom are craftsmen jamb-frame house. It turns out his intention to slam the steering wheel from crafts to music to get the blessing. "Equally got art. Playing music takes patience, as well as a miniature, "he explained.

Creating Robot From the Former Cans

We Adopt Robot Yuk! | Adoptabots unique robots from junk. Adooptabots is handicraft sculpture of an artist who makes all his adoptabots unique robots from junk.

Brian Marshall is a teacher from Delaware, which create small robots that is so riveting in his spare time. Although he is not actually the main job of an artist, but his work is really fascinating people.